Striking Similarities between Certain Marriage Customs as found in Nāradasmṛti and in Bodo community.

  • Dr. Mridusmita Devi


Marriage is an essential social organization. Its type and purpose changes as indicated by change in culture. For the most part, Marriage is a religious holy observance in which a man and a woman are bound in a lasting relationship for physical, social and profound motivation behind sexual delight, reproduction and perception of Dharma. All religious rites of all communities follow some religious code of conduct and moral principles according to Dharmaśāstras. Bodo community is not differ from that. This paper will highlight the similarities between certain marriage customs as found in Nāradasmṛti and in Bodo community.

How to Cite
Dr. Mridusmita Devi. (2020). Striking Similarities between Certain Marriage Customs as found in Nāradasmṛti and in Bodo community. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 6250-6256. Retrieved from