Model of Vocational Teachers (Audio Video Engineering) Efforts to Support Graduates' Work Readiness

  • P. Sudira, D. Santoso, S. Waluyanti and P. Utami


This article is a study to determine the validity and reliability model of vocational teacher efforts to support graduates’ work readiness using outer model analysis. The model points out relationship of factors associated with vocational teachers with graduate work readiness. Data was collected using a questionnaire method with a survey design of 60 vocational teachers (Audio Video Engineering) in Yogyakarta. Development of hypotheses and questionnaires with a theory testing approach. Convergence validity in terms of outer loading shows that there are WR1 (mastering basic skills) and WR7 (interest) indicators which have values below 0.7. Based on the AVE value all indicators are greater than 0.5. Discriminant validity shows that all values in each construct are greater than values in other constructs. Based on AVE and cross-loading values, as well as construct representation, WR1 and WR7 are maintained. Both the composite reliability and the Cronbach's alpha value are ≥ 0.70, so reliability is accepted. From these results, the instrument can be used for further research because it has been valid and reliable. The indicators on the construct variables can be used to analyze the relationship of on the efforts of Vocational Teachers (Audio Video Engineering) to support graduates' work readiness.

How to Cite
S. Waluyanti and P. Utami, P. S. D. S. (2020). Model of Vocational Teachers (Audio Video Engineering) Efforts to Support Graduates’ Work Readiness. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(1), 815 - 827. Retrieved from