Orientation Of Faculty Members In Science Colleges In Public And Private Universities Towards Comprehensive Quality From Their Point Of View

  • Sumaia Mustafa Mahmoud AlHawamdeh


      The study aimed to measure the degree of orientation of faculty members in public and private universities towards implementing comprehensive quality standards in education from their point of view, Where the study sample consisted of (132) members, and the study relied on the descriptive and analytical approach, and the study found that the differences between the responses of faculty members to the paragraphs of the tool and its fields were of statistical significance at the level of significance (  µ  ≤ 05), and that the responses of the members of the body Teaching on the tool as a whole in terms of the degree to which members are directed towards applying the standards of total quality in education was less than the educationalally acceptable level, which is (0, 80).

How to Cite
Sumaia Mustafa Mahmoud AlHawamdeh. (2020). Orientation Of Faculty Members In Science Colleges In Public And Private Universities Towards Comprehensive Quality From Their Point Of View . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 6150-6166. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/35165