Study of the effect of EM (effective microorganisms) technology on the productivity of broiler chickens

  • Mariia Ziablitseva et. al


 Ge The article presents the results of studying the effect of microbiological preparations on the productivity of broiler chickens. The study examined the morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, the composition of intestinal microflora of chickens, poultry growth indicators, the morphological composition of carcasses and the chemical composition of meat. Analysis of the composition of microflora revealed a decrease in the number of opportunistic microorganisms in the intestines of poultry of experimental groups and an increase in the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Microbiological preparations contribute to the intensification of the processes of nutrient intake of feed into the blood. The concentration of total protein (group I – 23.55%, group II – 30.7%), total lipids (group I – 20.07–49.3%, group II – 7.5–53.3%), glucose (group I – 8.4–30.7%, group II 5.2–40.8%) was higher in the blood of poultry of experimental groups.          The use of microbiological preparations contributed to the increase of the absolute liveweight gain by 5.0% (group I) and 4.49% (group II). In the experimental groups, the average daily increase was higher by 9.6% (group I) and 8.8% (group II) relative to the control group. Introduction of microbiological preparations had a positive influence on the indicators of meat productivity. The mass of the gutted carcass increased by 8.89% (I experimental group) and of 11.04% (II group), slaughter yield of gutted carcass increased by 0.56% (group I) and 1.31% (group II), the number of muscle has increased in the carcass – 3.26% (group II) and 2.02 percent (group II). The obtained results indicate the biostimulating effect of microbiological preparations on the organism of broiler chickens, which contributes to the increase of productivity of chickens.

How to Cite
et. al, M. Z. (2020). Study of the effect of EM (effective microorganisms) technology on the productivity of broiler chickens. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1964 - 1974. Retrieved from