Impact of Demographics on Work Force Participation of Females in the Retailing Industry in Tricity Area (Chandigarh-Mohali-Panchkula).

  • Kamaljeet kaur et. al


The purpose of the research was to investigate the effect of work environment and work attitude on work force participation. The study was conducted in the retailing sector of Tricity area (Panchkula – Haryana, Chandigarh – Union Territory, Mohali – Punjab) in the hope to know the impact of work environment factors on work participation. The study derived its data from both organized as well as unorganized sector. The retailing kind aimed for the study was MBRT (Multi brand retail trade). The study was specifically conducted on the females in the industry in order to find out their true attitude towards the same. The study was conducted in the current year so the data collected is absolutely fresh and the results are highly implacable to the urban setup. The sample size of the study was 600 and the results showed that the attitude formation is not much impacted via demographics. The implication of the study is that more or less the opinion of the work staff is similar regardless of the demographics.

How to Cite
et. al, K. kaur. (2020). Impact of Demographics on Work Force Participation of Females in the Retailing Industry in Tricity Area (Chandigarh-Mohali-Panchkula). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1917 - 1926. Retrieved from