A Short Review on Macro encapsulated PCM used in Building Envelope for Thermal Energy Storage

  • G. R. Gopinath, S. Muthuvel


            Phase Change Material are advance material used in thermal energy storage technique. The energy consumption is significantly reduced by thermal energy storage method and also it promotes the usage of renewable energy sources. The effective technique used for Thermal energy storage the energy efficiency of the PCM building will increases. In the building envelope the PCM is used in numerous process. The PCM macroencapsulation in the building envelope is an effective and simplest technique. This technique non recovers the interior thermal behavior of the constructions, then also decreases cooling load short of cooperating the mechanical strength in the building envelope. In this article, a review of the macroencapsulated PCM in buildings application aimed at energy savings has been carried out. A brief analysis about the PCM macroencapsulated is combined in the building envelope has been shown.

How to Cite
G. R. Gopinath, S. Muthuvel. (2020). A Short Review on Macro encapsulated PCM used in Building Envelope for Thermal Energy Storage. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 11336 - 11345. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/34455