Developing Brand Identity of Thai MOOC Project in Promoting Life-Long Learning

  • Pichai Pusumpun


Abstract:  Thai Massive Open Online Course Project or Thai MOOC is part of Thai government initiatives that aims to open educational opportunities for Thai People nationwide to enable them to study at no costs.  Due to its early stage, there is a need for assessing brand communication of Thai MOOC through the use of action research.  The implementation of action research involves participation and reflection of researcher as a partner.  The brand communication plan is achieved by lessons learned as part of knowledge creation while practicing. The emphasis is on developing efficient and effective communication plan for promoting identity of Thai MOOC’s project in supporting life-long learning for Thai people.

How to Cite
Pusumpun, P. (2020). Developing Brand Identity of Thai MOOC Project in Promoting Life-Long Learning. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1810 - 1814. Retrieved from