The Effect of the Hierarchy of Control in the Prevention Model of Contact Dermatitis on Salon Workers in Makassar

  • Sri Mulya, M. Furqaan Naiem, Agus Bintara Birawida, Rafael Djajakusli, Lalu Muhammad Saleh, Fridawaty Rivai


To determine the effect of causal factors and the Hierarchy of Control on the incidence of occupational contact dermatitis in salon workers in Makassar.  Analytical Quantitative Research with a Cross Sectional approach with a population of salon workers who work at salons registered at the Makassar City Tourism Office with a total sample of 110 people, data collection using questioners and data analysis using Smartpls3.In the Bivariate Test, the results showed that each indicator has a relationship to the incidence of contact dermatitis due to work, with the P-value on the indicator Age 0.04, Gender 0.000, Additional education 0.02, Length of work 0.01, and Implementation The Control Hierarchy is 0,000, while education and room temperature are not related to the incidence of occupational contact dermatitis. In the Hypothesis Test, the results show that: T-Statistics = 1.728 and P-Value = 0.085 on the Variable Causes and Occurrences of Occupational Contact Dermatitis and the T-Value -Statistics = 0.638 and P-Value = 0.524, indicating that this variable has no effect. Meanwhile, the Hierarchy of Control and Occurrence of Occupational Contact Dermatitis which has a statistical value of 12,296 and P = Value = 0,000, so this shows that the Control Hierarchy affects the incidence of Occupational Contact Dermatitis in salon workers in Makassar.There needs to be a more intense outreach from related stakeholders to salon workers, especially in Makassar about the importance of implementing The Hierarchy of Control as a form of work-related contact dermatitis prevention.

How to Cite
Sri Mulya, M. Furqaan Naiem, Agus Bintara Birawida, Rafael Djajakusli, Lalu Muhammad Saleh, Fridawaty Rivai. (2020). The Effect of the Hierarchy of Control in the Prevention Model of Contact Dermatitis on Salon Workers in Makassar. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 11147-11155. Retrieved from