Effective Learning Outcome: Creating Stimulating And Joyful Learning In School Education
Learning outcomes are any skills, abilities and knowledge, value that the students demonstrate as a result of completing course in a class. ‘Student learning outcomes are properly defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and abilities that a student has attained at the end (or as a result) of his or her engagement in a particular set of higher education experiences (US Council). This paper draws out the effective learning outcome which creates and provides a joyful learning environment. By keeping learning outcomes teacher can develop proper courses which include all activities like assignment, group work, assessment etc in a better way. The main goal of this paper is to provide knowledge of child psychology and builds confidence after successful completion of courses. We can create joyful learning through read good books, give students freedom to do according to their interest, let students create things, systematic change towards a holistic things make learning joyful. A teacher must use variety of techniques and methods of teaching for making joyful learning. If the students are not careful in utilizing the modes of entertainment judiciously, it may lead to moral degradation. So the students must be taught that what they face in real life is different from what they read in books. They have to be trained to face the challenges through stimulating and joyful learning. And the teacher must be friendly with his students. This will help the students to talk to him about their problems-personal and academic both with various activities provided by teacher during the whole academy session. The students can be asked about the teaching skills, punctuality, behavior, attitude towards students of the teacher. it is usually seen that students love and respect the teachers who are more regular, friendly and who understand their difficulties. This method can be a good tool to judge the accountability of teachers.