Augmented Reality in Retail: Transformation of the Service Ecosystem

  • Stefan Henningsson et. al


To furthering the understanding of how IVE’s are being adopted and comes into use in the context of retail, we propose a novel analytical focus in the service ecosystem perspective. Drawing on this perspective, we analyze the impact of the introduction of an Augmented Reality (AR) app that displays designer lamps from a specific lamp producer in the home environment of prospective customers. The main conclusion of this research is that also a small AR app can have dramatic effects on the service ecosystem, and that these effects are critical to take into consideration when developing and implementing IVEs. These effects come from that the app introduces new customer touchpoints that challenge relationships between actors in the service ecosystem. Disregarding the implications on the service ecosystem, it limits the functionality delivered by the Immersive virtual Environments (IVE) and leads to lack of support for adoption and use from critical ecosystem member, which undermines the diffusion of the IVE.

How to Cite
et. al, S. H. (2020). Augmented Reality in Retail: Transformation of the Service Ecosystem. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1366 - 1375. Retrieved from