The Conceptual Framework: The Influence of Innovation as Extension of the Relationship between Marketing Oriented toward Performance of Agriculture Occupation Groups in Upper Northern Region of Thailand

  • Chansetthanon Donnarut et. al


The research aimed 1) to study the important level of good governance, participation, marketing oriented, innovation and performance of agriculture occupation groups, and 2) to study the influence of innovation as extension of the relationship between marketing oriented toward performance of agriculture occupation groups in upper northern region of Thailand.  This research based on the participation of all sectors to support the operation, creating value or creating income for the community by setting up agriculture occupation groups and stimulate the grassroots economy. The research framework was drawn from theories about resources based view and participation.   This research employed mixed methods. 500 committee of agriculture occupation groups in 8 provinces in the upper northern region of Thailand acted as research participants. The research tools were questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, inferential statistics and structural equation model (SEM), and the results were disseminated for academic and commercial purposes.

How to Cite
et. al, C. D. (2020). The Conceptual Framework: The Influence of Innovation as Extension of the Relationship between Marketing Oriented toward Performance of Agriculture Occupation Groups in Upper Northern Region of Thailand. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1335 - 1341. Retrieved from