Dconbe Scheme For Secure Channel Key Management In Fog Computing

  • Heena Hamid , Md. Ateeq Ur Rahman


Fog Computing is a promising expansion of distributed computing, and empowers computing
straightforwardly at the edge of the organization. Because of the decentralized and disseminated
nature of Fog Nodes, secure correspondence channels must be upheld in fog computing, which are
commonly acknowledged through secure keys. Key Management Schemes (KMS) are normally
utilized to create, circulate and keep up the mystery keys. In this paper, we propose a KMS called
dynamic contributory broadcast encryption (DConBE) for secure direct foundation in fog computing.
It permits a gathering of FN that need to build up a FS to arrange a public encryption key and every
hub's decoding key in one round without a confided in seller. Any End User (EU) may encode
messages under the public encryption key with short code writings to any subset of the FN in the
framework. Just chose FN in the framework can decode the scrambled messages utilizing their
separate unscrambling key. Our new KMS likewise accomplishes the properties of fog hub dynamics,
completely plot safe and stateless.

How to Cite
Heena Hamid , Md. Ateeq Ur Rahman. (2020). Dconbe Scheme For Secure Channel Key Management In Fog Computing. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 6042-6047. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/33702