Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Knowledge Management Processes within Organizations

  • Mirna Kordab


Knowledge management has been recognized by many researchers as a major influence on the organizations’ performance. Thus, organizations started implementing knowledge management processes in order to gain competitive advantages in the current complex market. The scientists analyze many factors that affect the knowledge management processes but it is still not clear which factors are the most important for organizations to consider for efficiently applying the knowledge management processes. This study focuses on identifying and classifying the main factors that influence the efficiency of knowledge management processes based on previous studies.

How to Cite
Kordab, M. (2020). Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Knowledge Management Processes within Organizations. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1277 - 1285. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/3364