Innovation in SMEs : towards a specific Moroccan model

  • EL MOUDDEN Maryam et. al


As in economies elsewhere, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the engine of the Moroccan economy with a percentage of 96% of the entire national entrepreneurial fabric, This contributes to economic growth at 98% and to the creation of employment at 80%. Thus, their strong presence in the Moroccan economy, puts them at the center of the preoccupations of scientific research.Moreover, most of the studies conducted on the scope of SMEs focus on the factors that contribute to the survival of SMEs, such as their “financing”, and have given less importance to the factors that contribute to their growth, namely “innovation”.Indeed, the strong message in this article is to place the issue of the concept of innovation and its scope in the context of the Moroccan SME by analysing both the role of its leader/entrepreneur as an actor the organization’s principal and innovation facilitator, the impact of the SME’s specificity, its strategy and factors of the environment with which it interacts.

How to Cite
et. al, E. M. M. (2020). Innovation in SMEs : towards a specific Moroccan model. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 1259 - 1266. Retrieved from