A New Type of Self-Scaling Quasi-Newton for Unconstrained Optimization
Quasi-Newton methods are one of the popular iterative schemes to solve unconstrained optimization problems. The basic idea of the quasi-Newton method is to update successively the quasi-Newton equation that satisfies. In this paper, we derive the new self-scaling of quasi-Newton method based on the quadratic function and study the convergence property. Some of the empirical findings have been published, demonstrating the efficacy of the new self-scaling quasi-Newton method.
How to Cite
Basim A. Hassan, Ranen M. Sulaiman. (2020). A New Type of Self-Scaling Quasi-Newton for Unconstrained Optimization. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 10822–10827. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/33593