Comparative Study of Water Quality of Different Drinking Water Resources of Nagaur , Rajasthan
There is a need to develop awareness about water quality for drinking purposes in western Rajasthan as
it is the most deficient state in the country have short spell of monsoon and scanty rainfall. This study
analyzed the comparative study among different water resources for drinking purposes of Nagaur district
Rajasthan India. Rajasthan is a part of the great Thar Desert and have certain chronic drought affected
regions that include western Rajasthan .There are four type of drinking water resources have been taken
first one is small ponds of villages called Nadis (4samples),second is groundwater (2 samples), third
rooftop water collected traditionally in house tanks called Tanks and last is IGNP canal water samples.
Study is carried out in the month of august in full monsoon period. Physico-chemical parameters such as
Temperature ,PH,TDS,Fluoride, Chloride ,Total alkalinity, Total Hardness, Turbidity, Carbonate
hardness and non Carbonate Hardness have been taken and analyzed in laboratory and compared with
recommended standard water quality parameters of BSI and WHO. Results- it is found that Nadis, tanka
and IGNP waters parameters are in permissible limits but groundwater parameters are heavily loaded
with chemicals and beyond permissible limits of BSI standard and can cause human sickness diseases.
Overexploitation and high fluoride content of ground water make water unusable for drinking purposes..
There is a recommendation of traditional rainwater harvesting in homes like Tanka and community
surface water should be encouraged that also helps in reducing ground water withdrawal. Community
awareness programme,. Filters, ground water recharge structure in the rainy season should be created
and managed.