Empirical Review On Talent Management And Its Effect On Organization Performance

  • Richa Verma, Dr. Mini Amit Arrawatia


In present time organization’s brain is its main sourceof modest advantage. Performance of organizationdepends upon overall performance of its employees. If personnel ofan enterprise possess special competence, that willdifferentiate them from their competitors. In this competitiveenvironment retention of gifted team of workers is a important taskfor HR managers alongside with acquisition. Talent managementis a very complicated and essential task. Right Talent acquisitionmakes organisation approach greater strong. The modern-day globaleconomic scenario has elevated general jobseekers inemployment market worldwide, however there is nevertheless fantastic talentshortage in unique sectors and exclusive countries, this leadsto extend the trouble of “Talent Mismatch”.As today’scorporate world requires a character with multitasking skill,talent acquisition is turning into very difficult. As a result,finding the “right” man or woman for a precise job is becomingmore challenging. Not solely acquisition even retention oftalented personnel has come to be biggest assignment fororganization. Today’s altering panorama of commercial enterprise requiresits HR to act extra strategically to construct worker engagementwhich is a high-quality device for Genius management. TalentManagement focuses on how humans enter; cross upacross or out of the organization. Talent Management willsucceed with the help of robust business enterprise structure. Asbetter brain can trade the future of business, TalentManagement has to be given predominant position inorganization. If business enterprise implements Genius managementstrategies effectively, that enhances employee’s engagementwhich in flip helps to enhance enterprise performance.Higher the worker engagement greater the productivity. Thispresent learn about pursuits to perceive the relationship between talentmanagement and employer performance. This learn about isbased on empirical lookup proof construct with the aid of literaturereviewscarried out in this direction. Researcher is meant touse special articles, lookup papers and literatures in orderto discover the high-quality relationship between talentmanagement and agency performance. This empiricalresearch paper will grant insights to HR managers to buildTalentadministration as a Strategic device to construct employeeengagement and thereby enhancingorganizationperformance.


How to Cite
Richa Verma, Dr. Mini Amit Arrawatia. (2020). Empirical Review On Talent Management And Its Effect On Organization Performance. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 15320-15329. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/33412