Comparison of Hybrid Approaches for IP Address Lookup

  • J. Sarada Lakshmi, Prof. Kuda Nageswara Rao


Despite the intense research during the last three decades, IP Address Lookup still gives a way to find optimal solutions. Several researchers came up with different solutions for IP address Lookup problem with the Longest Prefix Match (LPM) as a core idea. To implement the idea many authors provided the state-of -the-art literature on several trie based algorithms which are presented in this paper while the main focus is on hybrid approaches combining the trie with hashing or bitmap. The novel approach/es proposed in this paper also concerns the memory and time constraints.

How to Cite
J. Sarada Lakshmi, Prof. Kuda Nageswara Rao. (2019). Comparison of Hybrid Approaches for IP Address Lookup. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(8), 602 - 621. Retrieved from