Prophetic Management to Improve Quality of Education: A Case of Islamic Boarding Schools

  • Kojin, Liatul Rohmah, Nur Effendi, Khusnul Mufidati, Anis Yunaidah


Pedagogically, the quality of education can be seen from the process of providing education that is able to provide the best learning and learning opportunities that can be utilized by students to achieve the expected learning goals. The management of educational institutions/ Islamic boarding schools with prophetic management as an integrated concept between management functions and prophetic values ​​promises establishment of education get better and qualified. The research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach and field research. Data collection is used observation, interview and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed by using reduction data analysis, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Then, it was examined with validity and reliability test to measure the validity of the data. The purpose of the research was to determine the management/prophetic management to improve the quality of education in Pondok Modern Darul Hikmah. The results of this research is Prophetic management that can enhance the quality of education by increasing autonomy, sincerity, simplicity, self-reliance, Islamic brotherhood and students’ knowledge.

How to Cite
Kojin, Liatul Rohmah, Nur Effendi, Khusnul Mufidati, Anis Yunaidah. (2020). Prophetic Management to Improve Quality of Education: A Case of Islamic Boarding Schools . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 5701 - 5709. Retrieved from