Students’ Perception about Design Thinking and Its Influence on Their Problem Solving Skills: An Empirical Study
Design Thinking is an innovative and problem solving technique with human centric approach which influence to produce user based products and services. Many companies have started implementing Design Thinking as a tool for their competitive advantage. Few educational institutions also adapting this concept while framing their curriculum as well in their teaching pedagogy. Though it is very much successful in the industry, it is to be questionedits success in the minds of the students who are undergoing Design Thinking curriculum/pedagogy. Considering this, the present study is aimed to understand the students’ perception about Design Thinking curriculum and its influence on their problem solving skills. The present study was conducted considering students as respondents who are pursuing their career in which the institution follows Design Thinking curriculum. 186 students were randomly selected and their opinion about Design Thinking was gathered using a structured questionnaire and the collected data was analyzed with suitable tools. The detailed outcome of this research is presented in this study.