The Changing Age Structure In India And Allied Consequences: A SpatioTemporal Analysis

  • Manash Jyoti Patar , Pranab Dutta , Sujata Medhi, Deepjyoti Das , Bibek Bhuyan


The objective of this study was to evaluate the changing age structure and dependent ratio of population in India.
India is one of the most populous country in the world next to China where it shares 18% to world’s total population.
The age structure has a direct impact on the young age population, society, economy and other developmental
activities of a country. The study was based on secondary data and to increase the reliability, age statistics methods
has been employed. Even various cartographic techniques are well employed like maps, graphs for better
visualization. The results reveal that elderly population in increasing at a fastest rate. However, the dependency
ratio of the country is decreasing and it has achieved 53.67% in 2011 which will have negative effect to the country.

How to Cite
Manash Jyoti Patar , Pranab Dutta , Sujata Medhi, Deepjyoti Das , Bibek Bhuyan. (2020). The Changing Age Structure In India And Allied Consequences: A SpatioTemporal Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 15264-15275. Retrieved from