Proposed V-ATM Machine: Accepts Finger Prints, Voice Pin and OTP Code

  • Yashpal Singh et. al


The V-ATM is a post office TM. This V-ATM is an ATM for the people who are living in rural area. This V-ATM helps the people living in agrarian area to save even a single penny in post office account. This invention is very useful the our country as well as society, Now-a-days, world banking system and transaction is depending on traditional way like going with card type ATM and passbook, checkbook like that. There is number of ambiguity and financial loss is occurred. There is no single machine available which can do all sort of banking operation (deposit, withdraw, passbook print/issue, checkbook print/issue). The invention not only provides the basic facility of financial transaction but also provides advance facility of depositing coins and cash. This V-ATM accepts coins. The V-ATM also allows withdrawal of coins. Apart from this financial activity the V-ATM supports purchasing and selling of virtual gold. The V-ATM asks amount for which the user wants to purchase gold. This amount gets reserved in the bank account. If the user wants to sell the virtual gold the user can also sell it by selecting the active user who wants to purchase the gold. When the user chooses to sell the gold the amount for which the gold is sold will be credited in seller’s account and purchaser will also get his virtual gold in the form of credited and reserved amount in the purchaser’s account. It is like mini bank. V-ATM is truly deserving to devote the work of all banking operation by using integrated biometric of user. It will provide finest, strongest security, card less system in banking domain.This V-ATM is a complete integrated all in one solution for any kind of banking  solutions.

How to Cite
et. al, Y. S. (2020). Proposed V-ATM Machine: Accepts Finger Prints, Voice Pin and OTP Code. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 905 - 912. Retrieved from