A Secure Digital Image Stenography Technique for Hidding an Image in an Image Using LSB Technique
In this age of information technology, the most vital part of information and communication exchange is the Internet. With advances in information technology and the Internet, digital media has become one of the best known tools for data transfer, but in this still facing a number of challenges, including issues of authentication, modification, copyright protection. Many techniques such as encryption, authentication, Steganography, etc. can be used to protect these digital data. Recent developments in computer security have shown that steganography rather than cryptography is the best method to protect data. One of the best technique commonly used in steganography is the LSB method, which, however, is vulnerable to attack due to its simplicity. In this proposed an improved stenography technique of hiding an image in an image using least significant bit (LSB). Also compared the cover image and stego images with Mean Square Error (MSE) and Peak Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR)values. For better hiding low MSE and High PSNR value is better. In this proposed work for better hidding get the low MSE and High PSNR value then previous work done.