Managing change: A review of work-life balance and the implications on an agile workplace

  • ] Dr Kaylie Chiu-Pih Tan


Work-life balance becomes more important especially when contemporary organisations change from traditional to an agile workplace to meet the challenges in highly dynamic and uncertain business environments. This indicates a change in the nature of work roles and non-work roles resulting in a change of work-life balance of an employee. Through the review of concepts and models relevant to work-life balance, this paper provides an insight on how role identification, role relationships, and associated factors may contribute to the sense of work-life balance and wellbeing of an individual in work and non-work settings, especially when role boundaries become more blurred in an agile workplace.  The implications of the findings on work-life balance will be discussed in light of agile workplace.

How to Cite
Tan, ] D. K. C.-P. (2020). Managing change: A review of work-life balance and the implications on an agile workplace. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 696 - 702. Retrieved from