The Socio-Feminist Context Of The Nigerian Chimamanda Adichie’s Prose Works (Half Of A Yellow Sun And Purple Hibiscus)



This research investigates the Socio-Feminist Realism of the novels of Chimamanda Adichie. The selected texts for analysis are Half of a Yellow Sun and Purple Hibiscus. She attempts an interrogation of Nigerian socio-cultural environment and issues in her fictional world especially in the analysis of domestic, national and gender problems. Most interestingly and the focus of this research is the cradle way Adichie handles the problem facing the girl-child at the domestic level within her family as she grows up (Kambili in Purple Hibiscus for instance). Adichie builds in salient socio-cultural and religion themes within the notion of Feminist Realism. Using the sociological feminist approach, this work aims at the contents of Adichie’s selected works and accentuates these areas of thematic concern in its detailed analysis to reveal through characterization, gender issues at the socio cultural background in Africa. The research is an extra diversion and contribution to the existing literature where feminist ideologies are studied but yet to be given much domestic and socio-cultural attention. The author also interrogates the issue of family unity and female vulnerability in crises situations, using the Nigerian civil war as chart table. In both novels, female vulnerability in the face of emergent unhealthy social realities is succinctly interrogated.

How to Cite
FATIMA, I. B. (2020). The Socio-Feminist Context Of The Nigerian Chimamanda Adichie’s Prose Works (Half Of A Yellow Sun And Purple Hibiscus). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 564 - 571. Retrieved from