Analysis of Results and Challenges in Written Communication. An Analysis Conducted at Prince Mohd University in Al-Khobar

  • Dr. Diana Dinu


Communication classes represent an important part of the freshman curriculum at Prince Mohd University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Training students to become better learners and thinkers has always been a challenge that needed to be addressed constantly. Students need to be reminded that taking English communication classes requires more than just memorizing. Composition and grammar complemented by reading and understanding as well as techniques addressing academic writing need to be a part of the curriculum of every student enrolled in the program. The program has integrated into its curriculum academic writing that is successfully taught at prestigious American universities. The same model is currently used at Prince Mohd University. This paper examines the results as well as the challenges that the students face in their communication classes

How to Cite
Dinu, D. D. (2020). Analysis of Results and Challenges in Written Communication. An Analysis Conducted at Prince Mohd University in Al-Khobar. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 394 - 400. Retrieved from