A Study on Role of Tour Operators for Promotion of Inbound Tourism in Chennai District
Tour operators are effectively dealing inbound tourists directly through different services, arranging tours, providing security and other required services to them. The results reveal that the inbound tourists are agreed with tour operators offer attractive tour packages, tour operators give detailed tour plan, tour operators provide travel information clearly, tour operators make all type of reservation, tour operators provides best accommodations, tour operators give best quality of food and beverages, tour operators provide adequate security and tour operators charge rationally. Significant difference is there in role of tour operators for promotion of inbound tourism amid demographics of inbound tourists. Role of tour operators for promotion of inbound tourism is positively, significantly and highly related with their performance. Hence, tour operators should arrange tour on demand and needs of inbound tourists and they must communicate efficiently in different languages which is easily understandable by inbound tourists. Further, tour operators should provide value added services in order to enhance satisfaction and experience of inbound tourists.