Spanish Keyboard Layout Based on Statistical Document Analysis

  • Julián R. Camargo L., César A. Perdomo Ch., Nelson E. Vera P.


Using Matlab computational tools, the probabilities of the appearance of the different letters of the Spanish alphabet are studied in plain text documents. Later, the joint probabilities of appearance (one letter after another) are analyzed, so that it is possible to roughly determine a possible keyboard layout that allows for efficient typing, this is achieved by taking into account not only the most probable combinations in Spanish writing (at least in the text studied) but also the response times of the fingers. This is thanks to studies carried out by scientists at the Institute of Neural Computing at the University of Bochum (Germany).

How to Cite
Julián R. Camargo L., César A. Perdomo Ch., Nelson E. Vera P. (2020). Spanish Keyboard Layout Based on Statistical Document Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 13891 - 13902. Retrieved from