The Role of Civil Society Institutions in Ensuring Inter-Ethnic Harmony in Modernization of the Country

  • Bobomurod Boboyorov


The Republic of Uzbekistan is located in the heart of Central Asia and it is a dynamically developing democratic, sovereign state that guarantees peace and stability in the area. As a result of geopolitical changes in the last decade of the 20th century, the former Soviet Union collapsed and 15 independent states emerged on the world political map. Uzbekistan abandoned the administrative-command system based on planned economy and transited to free market relations, choosing an evolutionary path of development, based on experience of leading countries of the world and national mentality of its people. Establishing the legal, democratic state and civil society with a clear foreign policy based on free market relations, Uzbekistan has developed its own way  based on “Uzbek model” of development, developing the state and society. This model of development is of great interest in the world scientific community. Hence, this path of development has made great progress over the years and has become a model for developing countries as a successful practice. This article analyzes wide-range and ongoing reforms in Uzbekistan in modernization of  public administration and country. Furthermore, appropriate recommendations on experience of providing national interests and needs with the support of civil society institutions as a multinational society are given.

How to Cite
Bobomurod Boboyorov. (2020). The Role of Civil Society Institutions in Ensuring Inter-Ethnic Harmony in Modernization of the Country. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 13580 - 13596. Retrieved from