Secured Data Handling In Cloud Computing Using Merkle Hellman Algorithm

  • P. Raja Sekhar Reddy, K. Ravindranadh


                Data storage and sharing is the most focused service provided by the cloud service providers. Millions of users tempt to utilize the cloud resources due to flexibility and ease environment. As the benefits of cloud service providers are increased which attracts the millions of users along with that security issues are also increased. Regardless of popularity of cloud service providers, they are third party servers where storage and sharing of sensitive information through the third party servers poses various security issues. Those issues need to be concentrated to avoid the reduction in cloud server reputation level and increase the cloud user attraction. This is attained in the existing work namely Oruta which is based on ring based data sharing procedure. The existing work ensures the increased security level by securely sharing the data to the other users. However it failed to concentrate on the secret key sharing procedure which might affect the security of the cloud service providers. This is concentrated and resolved in this work by introducing the method namely Merkle Hellman Algorithm (MHA). The main goal of MHA is to securely share the data with the other cloud users with ensured security level by protecting the data from intruders. This is attained by encrypting the data contents before transmission. And also proposed MHA ensures the secured secret key sharing thus the security attacks on the share data from the cloud service providers can be avoided. The proposed work implementation is carried out in the cloud sim environment to prove the increased security of the cloud users and service providers.

How to Cite
P. Raja Sekhar Reddy, K. Ravindranadh. (2020). Secured Data Handling In Cloud Computing Using Merkle Hellman Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 13484 -. Retrieved from