Improving Prognosis for Pneumonia using Deep Learning Techniques

  • Keerthika P., Suresh P., Manjula Devi R., Senapathi T., Praveen Kumar R., Nikhil V.


Pneumonia, a lung infection, when not treated correctly, maybe a life-threatening illness. New technologies, in addition to advances in medical science, play a crucial role in many attempts to diagnose the disease. In the area of image recognition, several computer vision researchers are contributing and they have suggested a wide variety of solutions. Thanks to its extremely robust non-linear architecture, deep convolution networks are among all of these approaches achieving outstanding efficiency in object detection and classification. The current research proposes a deep convolution neural network architecture with a view to enhancing the accuracy of pneumonia detection from an x-ray of the chest. In the proposed approach the x-ray images are classified using a custom model and are compared with popular CNN-based deep network VGG-16. A comprehensive analysis of how these algorithms operate and how they are compared is given by us. The dataset is composed of 5863 two-class (normal and pneumonia) images.

How to Cite
Keerthika P., Suresh P., Manjula Devi R., Senapathi T., Praveen Kumar R., Nikhil V. (2020). Improving Prognosis for Pneumonia using Deep Learning Techniques. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 13210 -. Retrieved from