Semantics of Predicative Words in the Karakalpak Language

  • F. Eshberdiev


The problem that this article is trying to set relate with the current Karakalpak Cognitive Linguistics. The background of the research faces with one of the significant problems in Modern Karakalpak grammar, morphology, especially in semantics which covers with the queries such as lexical-semantic meaning of predicative words, derivative suffixes and morphological peculiarity, notion of derivative suffixes and its role in forming case and parts of speeches, differences of verbs. The purpose of the paper is to study all these units in context where the author highlights changes of the subjectivity of the suffixes, differences of predicative words in cases and tenses, and their peculiarities with auxiliary words.

The method of the given article covers historical typological and discourse analysis method; moreover author studies the usage of different types of meanings with represented words in Karakalpak literary texts, for instance bar (have), joq (no), kerek (need), za’ru’r (have to), da’rkar (must), tiyis (should), lazim (ought to). It was found that recent scholars named them as predicative words and studied as individual part of speech in Karakalpak Linguistics. The principal results of the article are that they are not different elements of different aspects of predicative words, they are predicative words, and they are learnt in two types: predicative words which express existence and absence; words with obligate meaning.

To sum up all facts and hypothesis on this issue author made conclusion that predicative words accept different derivative suffixes and form different parts of speeches, but  the question about cases, tenses, auxiliary verb forms can be found in context if they are divided into individual parts of speech.

How to Cite
F. Eshberdiev. (2020). Semantics of Predicative Words in the Karakalpak Language . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 13182 -. Retrieved from