Maintain Silaturahmi (Friendship) In The Perspective of the History of Anas Bin Malik

  • Sulaemang L, Zulkifli Musthan, Kamaruddin, Sitti Aisyah Mu’min


This journal is entitled: maintain Silaturahmi (Friendship) in the perspective of the History of Anas Bin Malik. The problem in this research is: How to understand Silaturahmi, can Silaturahmi make the fortune, and extend life? What is the perspective of the history of Anas bin Malik Hadith regarding Silaturahmi? This journal aims to find out the problems of understanding Silaturahmi, Silaturahmi can make a fortune, lengthen the age, and perspective of Anas bin Malik's hadith history about Silaturahmi. The method used in this paper is qualitative library research. This method is used to get in-depth data, which is data that contains a value behind the data that appears. Humans are social creatures, who everywhere and whenever they need other humans to be able to help each other, help each other, support, work together to meet the needs of life in the world. Therefore, in Islam, it is recommended to always maintain a friendship with fellow human beings to strengthen Islamic brotherhood (Ukhuwah Islamiyyah) sincerely because of Allah SWT Almighty. Therefore Silaturahmi is very important.

How to Cite
Sulaemang L, Zulkifli Musthan, Kamaruddin, Sitti Aisyah Mu’min. (2020). Maintain Silaturahmi (Friendship) In The Perspective of the History of Anas Bin Malik. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 14515 - 14522. Retrieved from