ICT Mediated Teaching-Learning during COVID-19 Lockdown: A Triumph or a Disaster?

  • Dr. Sourav Madhur Dey


 For educators, the COVID-19 Pandemic is an archetypal adaptive and transformative challenge, one for which there is no pre-configured model that can channel appropriate responses. Education leaders must promptly devise responses – and with explicit contexts in mind – as the pandemic runs its course. As the COVID-19 Pandemic runs its course, many governments are putting into action measures that limit the number of people assembling in public places. Such procedures have upset the standard functioning of schools and universities. Leaders of public and private education institutions have put in place alternate methods for students and teachers to persist on with their lessons when attending school is not feasible and are working on methods that will make schools fit for working in a secure atmosphere. Even though students with access to digital devices and internet connectivity may not be the majority in most countries, supporting governments in establishing efficient forms of online education will liberate institutional capacities and resources in order to readdress their focus on delivering alternative learning methods for those students who do not have alike opportunities. Nevertheless creating an effectual remote learning solution is not as uncomplicated as it might first become visible.   Directing school systems to a distant learning environment isn’t merely a technical issue. It is a didactic and instructional challenge. As technology is the medium for delivery, a triumphant effort to move school outside of traditional classroom and building configuration requires an intimate cross-collaboration between instructional, content, and technology teams. The present paper has attempted to touch upon these points in as effectual way as possible within the context of the present pandemic.

How to Cite
Dr. Sourav Madhur Dey. (2020). ICT Mediated Teaching-Learning during COVID-19 Lockdown: A Triumph or a Disaster?. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 14383 - 14390. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/31020