Cultural partner problems of the rural educational system an analytical approach

  • María Fernanda Zambrano Delgado , Robertson Xavier Calle García , María Rodríguez Gámez


Social research frequently requires the rural notion, either to delimit the territory under study or to allude to a way of life. The analysis of the different perspectives that come together in the construction of this notion is the purpose of this article. For this, recourse is made to the formulations made by different authors regarding the main contemporary trends on rurality: the rural as a sign of backwardness, the rural-urban continuum, ruralization, urban-rural fusion, reuniting with rural life and the new rurality. The present investigative work contemplates an analysis of different conceptions that can be extracted from texts, investigations and different group dynamics carried out in rural communities. This interaction is what allows to expose and explain the set of detected contradictions and the emergence of new needs that the educational system presents in order to develop mechanisms that involve the entire rural and urban educational community to have a better quality of education in all its levels. For a better understanding of the situation of rural education in Ecuador it is important to contextualize its scope, this will allow us to know the problems, programs and lines of action that are being exercised to strengthen the capacities and potential of citizens, are within the rules and regulations chaired by the state. 

How to Cite
María Fernanda Zambrano Delgado , Robertson Xavier Calle García , María Rodríguez Gámez. (2020). Cultural partner problems of the rural educational system an analytical approach. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(06), 8896-8901. Retrieved from