Analysis of Traffic Generated During Molecular Analysis Based on The Internet of Things
The demand for personal portable devices for analyzing the composition of food and medicines is increasing. These devices can be connected through the internet of things (IoT) for better analysis. We have proposed a system to analyze the traffic generated during molecular analysis in the IoT environment. By employing a three-layer architecture, we gained the results that can be used for simulation, as well as planning for the provision of real-time molecular analysis. Moreover, we analyzed the packet sending and receiving intensity and the dependence of the volume of transmitted and collected data on the number of consecutive measurements. We have also examined the traffic sent to the server and received from the server. Lastly, we analyze the performance of the system using the Hurst coefficient. We have calculated rescaled range analysis, periodogram regression, local Whittle's estimator, and aggregated variances. The proposed method can prove helpful for the implementation of better e-health systems.