UWB Antenna Sensor Network for Imaging and Localizing of Breast Cancer

  • Sameer Alani, Zahriladha Zakaria, Asmala Ahmad


Nowadays, UWB technology is highly recommended to use in such an application due to its unique features such as short-range, non-ionizing, and broad bandwidth. The method of using the UWB antenna sensor network for imaging and localizing breast cancer is considered in this paper. We focus on a two-dimensional network of UWB antenna sensors used to illuminate the object and to collect the delayed and phase shifted. The collected data needs to be processed by applying an algorithm that removes noise, clutter, and displays the image in high quality. Using more UWB sensors enhances the accuracy and performance of the system. In order to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed approach, preliminary results are shown in the simulation environment.

How to Cite
Sameer Alani, Zahriladha Zakaria, Asmala Ahmad. (2020). UWB Antenna Sensor Network for Imaging and Localizing of Breast Cancer. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 12983 - 12989. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/30452