Automation of Design of Basic Clothing Basics

  • Mashhura Abdukarimova, Shohruhmirzo Mahsudov


In the article, it is widely used in the countries of the European Union, as well as in computer-aided design systems for popular clothing (CAD) to improve the methods for constructing an automatic clothing design base. The results of parametric studies to determine the relationships between the structural parameters of the construction methods Müller&Son and Unified methodology for designing clothes (UMDC) are presented. The result of the study is associated with the high-quality placement of the workpiece, that is, the position and inclination of the shoulder line in the basic construction drawing, which affects the balance of the workpiece when preparing individual orders in industrial conditions, as well as the mass production of clothes, as well as the cost of the turn, which forms the shape on Based on the analytical binding, which is determined between the individual elements of a different volumetric-silhouette pattern of a sewing blank, a designer style of women's shoulder clothes is developed. Based on the full formalization of the construction of the basic drawing, a software module has been developed for graphically constructing the basic drawing in the automatic mode of laying out clothing details.

How to Cite
Mashhura Abdukarimova, Shohruhmirzo Mahsudov. (2020). Automation of Design of Basic Clothing Basics. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 12524 - 12532. Retrieved from