Formulation of Framework for Settlement Preference and Community Resilience of Post Great Disaster in Palu City, Indonesia

  • Surjono, Adipandang Yudono, Mujibur R. K. Muluk, Dhara K. Wardhani


A great natural disaster in 2018, tsunami and liquefaction, in the city of Palu has resulted in fatalities and massive infrastructure damage. This was due to a dense population in the disaster-prone areas and lack of prevention framework in the planning regime. The number of fatalities was more than 2,000 residents with massive infrastructure damage which covered 432.45 Ha of disaster-affected area. It is a must that future settlement planning policies at the local level pay more attention to ensure a safer settlement for residents. Disaster survivors have the potential to experience trauma resulting in the desire to move out and avoid disaster-prone zones. The purpose of this study is to identify: 1) aspects of settlement preference, and; to identify the aspects and design the formulation of community resilience in the aftermath of a disaster based on the development of the latest theories of urban and community resilience. The design of framework uses conjoin analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show that the aspects of settlement preferences are social, economic, environmental, and infrastructure, while the aspects for community resilience are social, economic, environmental, infrastructure, cultural, and governance. Each aspect has several affecting variables. The results are used to provide advice to the state and local government associated with policies in determining action plans for disaster-prone areas.

How to Cite
Surjono, Adipandang Yudono, Mujibur R. K. Muluk, Dhara K. Wardhani. (2020). Formulation of Framework for Settlement Preference and Community Resilience of Post Great Disaster in Palu City, Indonesia . International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 12396 - 12405. Retrieved from