Taxonomy of Artist and Art Works Using Hybrid TF-IDF Fuzzy C-Means Clustering

  • Bambang Nurdewanto, Elta Sonalitha, Anis Zubair, Salnan Ratih Asriningtias, Irfan Mujahidin


The Indonesian government has just promulgated a Law on the promotion of culture (Law No.5 2017). The Government, through the Tourism Office, determines the method of classification of cultural data using the Taxonomy method. The purpose of this study is taxonomy or mapping of big data art activists in the city of Malang, East Java, Indonesia based on the expertise of each person, so that it will facilitate the search for data for reference decision making. This research tests the calculation based on word linguistics and multi tagging from the data that the artist fills in online instruments. This study proposes the TF-IDF Fuzzy C-Means hybrid as a method of resolving these problems. TF-IDF is used as a feature extraction while Fuzzy C-Means as a clustering method. To find out the performance of the proposed method, this study uses the Variant cluster (V) technique. Based on the research analysis, the level value of V = 0.0000163 is getting smaller. This shows that all cluster variants are getting better.

How to Cite
Bambang Nurdewanto, Elta Sonalitha, Anis Zubair, Salnan Ratih Asriningtias, Irfan Mujahidin. (2020). Taxonomy of Artist and Art Works Using Hybrid TF-IDF Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 12066 - 12075. Retrieved from