Analysis and Study of Energy Efficiency in the Electric System of the Millennium Education Schools “SUMAK YACHANA WASI of Imbabura Province in Ecuador

  • Jhonatan F. Meza-Cartagena, Edilberto A. LLanes-Cedeño, Walberto Gallegos Eras, Rodolfo Jefferson Rubio Aguiar, Ricardo P. Arciniega-Rocha, Vanessa C. Erazo-Chamorro, Luis E. Pinzón-Barriga, Vanesa M.Arciniega-Rocha , Alejandro Toapanta-Lema


This  work  was  based  on  the  energy  consumption of the Millennium  Education  School SUMAK YACHANA WASI belonging  to  the  province   of  Imbabura-Ecuador  (UEM),  the period  2017-2018 was  taken  into  account  like  a  reference, the data   of  electrical  system  was  used  to  determine  its  demand, where  it was evidenced  that  the  highest  energy  consumption is the Lighting  system. To obtain an improvement in the Electric system efficiency and specifically in the Lighting system, the replacement of fluorescent luminaires   with LED  technology  luminaires   is the  best  option. A financial  analysis  of the implementation was carried out, and the investment  is recoverable, therefore,  it is determined that  the project  is viable.

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Jhonatan F. Meza-Cartagena, Edilberto A. LLanes-Cedeño, Walberto Gallegos Eras, Rodolfo Jefferson Rubio Aguiar, Ricardo P. Arciniega-Rocha, Vanessa C. Erazo-Chamorro, Luis E. Pinzón-Barriga, Vanesa M.Arciniega-Rocha , Alejandro Toapanta-Lema. (2020). Analysis and Study of Energy Efficiency in the Electric System of the Millennium Education Schools “SUMAK YACHANA WASI of Imbabura Province in Ecuador. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 14040-14051. Retrieved from