Technology Acceptance Model to Assess Employee’s Perception and Intention of Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Human Resource Management in IT Industry

  • Dr. Gurinder Singh, Dr. Garima Bhardwaj, S Vikram Singh, Vinay Kumar


 The role and effects of Artificial Intelligence is being vastly explored in various areas. This Research is covering the various features of the artificial intelligence, and also about the effect of AI on HRM because of emerging technologies specially in the area of Information Technology. Currently most of the organizations are using the AI in their area in order to increase the output of organization and also to manage their employees. Role of Artificial intelligence in Human resources starts with the selecting of profiles, prospective candidates and recruitment and continue till the leaving of employees. The aim of this research paper is to study Employees willingness to adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled technologies in IT sector in Delhi/NCR area in the department of Human resources and also to find out its rate of the adoption. This research proposes a perfect model who will serve as a design  for industries. The research method used is descriptive and shows that the significance of TAM (Technology Adoption Model) in  Artificial Intelligence(AI ) is still  have future research scope. The further objective of research is also to analyze the employee perception and willingness to adopt artificial intelligence in Human resource functions to find out that acceptance of this technology HR supported by employees and also to find out its compatibility with HR functions. The study was done between 115 HR officials working in IT sector in Delhi/NCR. The method used for testing hypothesis is multiple regression and it established a healthy relationship between HR and AI. Based on the data obtained and the study in this research, we have proposed a new model. The variables namely perceived ease of use, Perceived innovativeness, employee perception. It also confirmed that the increasing application of AI at a workplace provide improved HR activities performance.  This paper also covers various aspects of Artificial intelligence; a new revolution in the industry with brand name Industry 4.0.

How to Cite
Dr. Gurinder Singh, Dr. Garima Bhardwaj, S Vikram Singh, Vinay Kumar. (2020). Technology Acceptance Model to Assess Employee’s Perception and Intention of Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Human Resource Management in IT Industry. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 11485 - 11490. Retrieved from