Knowledge, awareness and perception towards covid-19 among dental students and professionals

  • Sabitha Gokulraj, Mohan.N, Babu susai raj, Kumar.A, Karthik.R, Santhosh kumar


Background: The present study assessed knowledge, awareness and perception towards COVID-19 among dental students and professionals.

Materials & Methods: This study was conducted among 680 dental students and professionals males 267 (39.4%) and females 413 (60.6%) with age ranged from 18 years- >60 years.  All were provided goggle form regarding knowledge, awareness and perception towards COVID-19 and were asked to fill and return it through mail.

Results: In present study, age group 18-30years comprised of 65.7% subjects, 31-45 years had 25.6%, 46-60 years had 7.9% and >60 years had 0.8% subjects. There were 388 (57.1%) students, 171 (25.1%) general practitioners, 94 (13.8%) specialists and 84 (12.4%) academicians. The pathogenicity of coronavirus is initiated when the RNA attaches to the host cell's to cell wall by 247, the replication of coronavirus in a host is due to RNA dependent RNA polymerase by 436, SARS-CoV2 infects human cells by attaching to acetylcholine by ACE 2 receptors by 458, conrona virus SARS- CoV 2 is a alpha virus replied by 137, beta by 408, gamma by 108 and delta by 27 subjects. COVID-19 was announced as a pandemic by WHO on march 11, 20 by 378. The most common symptom of COVID-19 infection is fever responded by 390, the most definitive tool to diagnose COVID-19 infection is RT- PCR by 574, the recommended pre procedural mouth rinsing agent for reducing the salivary load of oral corona virus carriage was 1% hydrogenperoxide by 392, disposal of the COVID-19 infectious medical waste is done using double layered yellow coloured medical waste packaged bag by 382.

Conclusion: Authors found that both dental students and other professionals had sufficient knowledge, perception and awareness regarding COVID- 19.

How to Cite
Sabitha Gokulraj, Mohan.N, Babu susai raj, Kumar.A, Karthik.R, Santhosh kumar. (2020). Knowledge, awareness and perception towards covid-19 among dental students and professionals. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 13596 - 13609. Retrieved from