Economic Study of 3 Kw On-Grid Solar Photovoltaic System for Residence in Moradabad
Since 2010, preference to use Renewable energy technologies (RET), especially Solar to meet current energy demand are increasing day by day with advantages as technologically and economically feasible and environmentally friendly. About 78.09% of energy is produced by Thermal, Nuclear & Gas, 16.63% from hydro and 5.28% from Renewable energy resource like solar etc in Uttar Pradesh as per The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission Lucknow, report, March 2019. As fossil fuels primarily coal, oil or natural gas are available in limited quantity and are not long lasting. With the increase in demand of electrical energy an approximately 9% growth in India’s electricity demand rising as per record received CEICDATA from March 2007-March 2018. To meet this demand the alternative non- conventional energy generation technique is required. Solar photo voltaic energy (SPVE)systems can cope up to other generation plants in India. SPVE System is capable of converting the energy from sun light which contained in photons into electrical energy. Based on SPVE system size, Consumer can generate electricity energy through Sun as best option in day time. With the help of this system (SPVES), consumer daily energy consumption can be managed easily. Not only used for residential purpose, it can be used in industrial application also. Present work provides the genuine study on implementation of 3KW Solar Photo Voltaic On-Grid System for residential purpose of an urban consumer having sanctioned 4 KW load from Pashchimanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam limited (PVVNL) a subsidiary company of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd. (UPPCL). The process of analysis involves consumer average daily unit consumption, SPV panel array & solar inverter estimation and various factors that are used to meet load. This analysis aimed a detailed study of Grid-connected SPVE system utilization based on installation cost and payback in residential premises. This entire cost-benefit analysis which contains installation-maintenance cost and payback duration against installation for a span of 20 years has been carried out. Results are the evidence that capital expenditure is high but payback time is approx. 5 to 6 years and after that consumer will get zero cost electricity considering system will run 20 years.