Improvised iVirtual iMouse iControliBy iHand iGesture iRecognition iUsing iOpenCV iand iWX-Python

  • Dr.D. Bhavana, R V S D Sai Pavan Avisetty, Dr.K. Kishore Kumar, K. Surya Manideep, N. Pavan Srinivas, K. Kowshik, Dokuparthi Ajaya Venkatesh


This ipaper iproposesia inovel icamera ivision ibased icursor icontrol isystem, iusing ihand igestures icaptured ifrom ia iwebcam ithrough ia icolor idetection itechnique.iThe isystem iwill iallow ithe iuser ito inavigate ithe icomputer icursor iusing itheir ihand ibearing icolour icaps ior itapes iand ileft iclick iand idragging iwill ibe iperformed iusing idifferent ihand igestures.iAnd ialso iit iperforms ifile itransfer ibetween itwo isystems iin ia isingle isame inetwork.iThe iproposed isystem iuses inothing imore ithan ia ilow iresolution iwebcam ithat iacts ias ia isensor iand iit iis iable ito itrack ithe iusers ihand ibearing icolour icaps iin itwo idimensions.iThe isystem iwill ibe iimplemented iusing ithe ipython iand iOpenCV.iThe ihand igesture iis ithe imost ieffortless iand inatural iway iof icommunication.iThe ioutput iof ithe icamera iwill ibe idisplayed ion ithe imonitor.iShape iand iposition iinformation iabout ithe igesture iwill ibe igathered iusing idetection iof icolor.iThe ifile itransferring ischeme iis iimplemented iby iusing ithe ipython iserver iprogramming.

How to Cite
Dr.D. Bhavana, R V S D Sai Pavan Avisetty, Dr.K. Kishore Kumar, K. Surya Manideep, N. Pavan Srinivas, K. Kowshik, Dokuparthi Ajaya Venkatesh. (2020). Improvised iVirtual iMouse iControliBy iHand iGesture iRecognition iUsing iOpenCV iand iWX-Python. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 13135 - 13143. Retrieved from