Approach to Identify Microservices based on Analysis Class Model

  • Joonseok park
  • Mikyeong Moon
  • Keunhyuk Keunhyuk


Background/Objectives: With the advent of cloud computing, existing monolithic applications are increasingly being developed into cloud-based applications. This paper deals with microservice identification techniques for developing existing applications based on microservices.

Methods/Statistical analysis: In recent years, cloud-based applications have been developed based on microservices such as Lambda and MS Azure Function. In addition, studies for identifying microservice units by applying business process modeling notation, data flow diagram, etc have been proposed. In this study, we apply a unified modeling language (UML) analysis model to identify microservices to develop existing applications on a microservice basis.

Findings: Microservices are units that can be deployed and executed independently to perform a single business capability. Identifying and specifying microservices in order to develop existing applications into microservice units is a key task. In this study, system design information is extracted by a microservice unit based on the UML analysis class model, which consists of boundary, control, and entity. Database dependency is analyzed and a mechanism for division into microservices is presented.

Improvements/Applications: The proposed method is a highly useful method that can utilize the data for a UML analysis model and generate a UML model through reverse engineering even if there is only application execution code.

Keywords: Microservice, Microservitization, Microservice Identification, Microservice Model, Microservice Development Process

How to Cite
park, J., Moon, M., & Keunhyuk, K. (2019). Approach to Identify Microservices based on Analysis Class Model. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(4), 08 - 14. Retrieved from