Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Infrared Radiation in Industrial Environment

  • Mrs.Richa Tiwari, Dr. Deepak Nagaria


The Supervision of any location for human safety point of view is an extremely important part of the production in industrial environment .Low cost infrared wireless sensors are emerging in densely distributed networks that provide more spatial resolution than typical traditional systems for monitoring infrared radiation in industrial environment. The development of cheap wireless sensor based mobile devices is causing an explosion is the ability of scientists and engineers to gather huge volumes of data .after gathering data several mathematical algorithms used to process all this data and extract useful conclusion , So mathematical transformation are required to convert the raw data into the relevant quantities. In fact, storing the massive amount of data generated by continuously active sensors is impractical so this Paper presented an infrared radiation measurement system composed of IOT based sensor modules connected to a cloud system forming a wireless sensor networks (WSN’S). Low-power Wi-Fi modules composed of Infrared &temperature sensors are used here, these modules sensed data and transmitted that data to the cloud through internet, the data is processed at server side during regular interval for determining the time when any parameter goes beyond its predefined limit so an optimized cloud computing based system has been implemented to store, monitor, process and visualize the data received from the sensors. We use digital sensors, data processing and analysis is performed at server side in the cloud by applying bit checking optimization procedure .This proposed system is low cost, low size and low power consumption method that can greatly measure the radiation in different industries. when radiation contained an excess amount of infrared and at the same time temperature also exceeds beyond the defined limit then a particular message or alarm has been activated that automatically send from the server to the particular site, so in that manner an effective monitoring system has been implemented.

How to Cite
Mrs.Richa Tiwari, Dr. Deepak Nagaria. (2020). Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Infrared Radiation in Industrial Environment. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 12966 - 12972. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/28899