A Study on the Exchange Rate Determinants of Selected Asian Countries’ Currencies

  • A.Paul Williams, S. Prasad


The Asian countries have gained a lot of space in the geopolitical as well as the geo-economic space in the recent days because of the rapid economic, social, political and cultural developments in the domestic as well as the Asian region as a whole. These changes in the region and the world as a whole have prompted many researcher and strategic analysts to look into the Asian economies. The Researchers have selected four Asian Countries which has significant GDP in terms of PPP. They are China, India, Japan and South Korea. This study is an attempt towards studying the determinants of the Exchange rates of selected Asian countries’ currencies. By doing so the policy makers across the Asian region will be able to better plan their policies and also be aware of the dynamics in the regional economics. The researchers have used statistical tool such as multiple regression to determine the factors influencing the change in the exchange rates and the strength of the relationship between the variables and suitable suggestions will be made.
KEYWORDS: Macroeconomic Variables, Exchange Rates, Asian Countries, Economy.

How to Cite
S. Prasad, A. W. (2019). A Study on the Exchange Rate Determinants of Selected Asian Countries’ Currencies. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(19), 1202 - 1207. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/2882