Bitcoin Analysis & Prediction Using Var

  • P N V Syamala Rao M, N Suresh Kumar, S Anuradha G Gautam


The Bitcoin market is filled with vast amounts of incomprehensible data. This work aims to provide a concise and simple representation of the data so that even the oblivious eye can make conclusions through the concepts of data mining and machine learning. Trading on Bitcoins is growing at a fast pace and is playing a vital role in data analysis and in the field of economics. On the other hand, Machine Learning is a part of data science that focuses on designing algorithm, such that the algorithm will understand the data provided by the user and predicts the value accordingly. This paper focuses on the market trends for popular bitcoins from various established sources like quandle, predicting for a future period of time using machine learning algorithm named Vector Auto Regression (VAR). This is highly advantageous as the investor, not only look at different stocks simultaneously but is also provided with highly accurate data, with an accuracy of 90%. We plan to take this to the next step by providing insight into the future market trends and allowing the investor to compare all the currencies in one platform and make his investment accordingly
Keyword:. Data mining, Bitcoin, machine learning, data science, stock market, Vector Auto Regression, python.

How to Cite
G Gautam, P. N. V. S. R. M. N. S. K. S. A. (2019). Bitcoin Analysis & Prediction Using Var. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(19), 1141 - 1151. Retrieved from