Analysis And Application Of Python On Machine Learning

  • Dr.Vasumathi Devi Majety1, Sajida Sulthana Shaik, GL Sravanthi, KVKVL Pavan Kumar, P.Shilpa Chaitanya, Dr.Naresh Alapati


The Machine learning domain has developed rapidly the most recent couple of years, specifically in the Portable eHealth area. With regards to the D1NAMO venture, we meant to recognize hypoglycemia on Type 1 diabetes sufferers through utilizing their ECG, recorded with a game like a chest belt. To know whether the information contains enough data for this characterization task, we expected to apply and assess AI calculations on a few sorts of highlights. We have assembled a python tool kit consequently. It is based over the scikit-learn tool stash and it permits assessing a characterized set of highlights extractors, dealing with applying great AI system, for example, cross-approval or parameters network search.

How to Cite
Dr.Vasumathi Devi Majety1, Sajida Sulthana Shaik, GL Sravanthi, KVKVL Pavan Kumar, P.Shilpa Chaitanya, Dr.Naresh Alapati. (2020). Analysis And Application Of Python On Machine Learning. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(2), 4549 - 4559. Retrieved from